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Fiber Optics

As the Technology grows practically every communication network contains fiber optics. In most cases, fibre optics are used because of their convenience. Fibre optic cable allows network builders to divide their network into smaller service areas that prevent large numbers of customers from being affected in an outage. The result is better service and customer relations. Fibre optic cable also gives them a fast return path which they use for internet and telephone connections, thereby increasing their revenue potential. Local Area Networks (LANs) use fibre optics primarily in the backbone of the network, but the use of fibre optics to the desk is increasing. The LAN backbone often needs longer distance transmissions and more bandwidth than copper cable is capable of providing. Fibre easily offers the higher bandwidth needed to prepare the network for the much higher speeds projected for the near future. The use of fibre optics is not just limited to communication networks. Cable and telephone providers often use fibre for its distance capabilities. Distance is also an advantage to industrial plants that use vast amounts of fibre primarily for its noise immunity. Utilities also prefer fibre for noise immunity, security and high bandwidth properties. The military uses fibre because it’s nearly tap-proof and impossible to jam. Fibre is even used by the aviation and aerospace industries because of its smaller size and weight.

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